Monday, November 28, 2016


Right now Venezuela is facing a terrible time in their country. With all of the protests and the corruption, there are many conflicts that have resulted. An obvious conflict that is seen is Man V.S. Man. There is a biker gang that has been hired by the government to cause confusion and chaos. The gang, the collectivos, are the men that are at war against the other people in the country that are just trying to live normal lives and be safe while the gang is trying to stop that from happening. With the people going through what they are going through, that brings up another conflict. Man V.S. Self. The regular people that are in the government that are trying to live normal lives are fighting within themselves with the decisions they have to make. Do they go against the gang and the government and risk their lives as well as possible children and other family members. They are fighting with the decisions that are morally correct and safe for themselves.
Along with the conflicts, an idea you see throughout the video, is loss. In the video, Henrique Capriles says that approximately, "25,000 Venezuelans were murdered last year." Last year in Venezuela many people lost their lives and many people lost loved ones. 
The government in Venezuela also runs on hypocrisy. Throughout the media, they say that Venezuela isn't in that bad of a place economically and there is only a small number of people upset when in reality the majority of people are upset and scared for their lives. Many people would even call that a dictatorship which shows hypocrisy because the Venezuela government is said to run on democracy. Instead of the government protecting the young people living in Venezuela, they are brutally repressed. Governments were created to help the people in the country but the government in Venezuela has only made things worse and made the people more unsafe. 

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