Wednesday, December 21, 2016

9-11 War Conflicts

All over the world there are constantly conflicts that are occurring for many different reasons. A major conflict that has occurred in the last 20 years was 9-11. On September 11, 2001 there was four coordinated terrorist attacks by Al-Queada on The United States of America and killed just under 3,000 innocent people. Two planes hit the world trade center complex as well as the pentagon.  Another plane was aiming for the White House but the passengers over took the plane and they crashed in Pennsylvania. The United Sates responded by launching the War on Terror and invading Afghanistan. They targeted Afghanistan because Al-Queda operated training camps and openly lived in the country with the support of the Taliban.The terrorists of Al-Queada would be unable to destroy our military so they targeted symbolic places such as the Twin Towers, a centerpiece of the World Trade Center.

This attack shows the war topic we discussed in class of brotherhood. After The United States was attacked, people reacted in many different ways. Everyone was completely in shock and didn't know to do. Before it happened the country was divided completely. People were fighting each other and not everyone was on the same team. After the attack many people joined together and stopped all the other fighting that was going on. People joined together to help rebuild what was destroyed and help people that were affected whether they lost someone or they were injured. The United States of America finally became one team. One brotherhood. 

Another war topic we discussed in class that was shown is loss. 2,996 people lost their lives because of the terrorist attack on 9-11. Many people lost their brother or their sister or even their mother. Fathers left behind daughters. Sons left behind daughters. Friends were lost. Al-Queada wanted us to be in pain. They wanted us to lose something that meant quite a lot to us. Sadly, that is what happened. On September 11th 2001 Americans lost a lot but thankfully for the brotherhood we joined, we were able to come out of this stronger and better then ever. 
Image result for 9-11Image result for 9-11


  1. I do agree that America did come together in a huge time when Americans were down. Since this tragic thing has happened America has became stronger in my opinion, especially with the security now in all of the airports. But do you think if this tragic terrorist attack didn't happen we would be the country we are today?

  2. I think if 9/11 never happened this country would be completely different. For one it would be much easier to travel but most importantly we wouldn't be living in fear. It isn't really spoken about but we are all a tad bit nervous as we don't know of what tomorrow will bring concerning ISIS and other radical terrorist groups.

  3. I agree that the tragic attacks that took place on 9/11 brought Americans together as a brotherhood. I believe these attacks changed our country forever in a better way. Do you believe we would be the country we are today if these attacks didn't occur?

    1. No, I do not think our country would be the same. I think this because before 911 we did not have the same amount of security we have today. If it was not for 911, another incident could have happened.
